Thursday, May 5, 2022

Spell 31 by Ibeyi Album Review

 When I first came across Ibeyi's music back in 2015, it was on Soundcloud. Mind you, I never put that much support behind Soundcloud artists. There was something special about that Ee-Bey-Ee Mixtape though. To me, they needed to be already recording albums, gaining a huge fanbase, and touring internationally. I was a fan, I am still a fan and it has been amazing to see them evolve.

For those who don't know who they are, Ibeyi is a duo comprised of twins Lisa-Kainde and Naomi Diaz. The word Ibeyi means twins in the Yoruba language. On their first two albums, Ibeyi and Ash, we heard a sound that was very unique and fresh. There have never been any others who have been able to blend R&B, Hip-Hop, Electronic, Traditional Yoruba chants, and Jazz so seamlessly. Fast Forward to 2022 and a pandemic later and they are fast approaching the release date of their third album Spell 31.

Recently, I was able to attend an album release party and concert that they put together here in Brooklyn. I got to meet them and their mother. In addition to being able to briefly speak with them, I acquired a copy of the album on vinyl early, which they autographed. I have now been able to listen to Spell 31 in its entirety several times since. Yes, I am a fan and the truth is this is their best album yet.

Spell 31 is an album that focuses very heavily on healing. We have been through so many hard times recently that Lisa-Kainde and Naomi want their music to be an instrument of healing. The album is very true to that mission and that's why it's amazing. 

The album kicks off strong with Sangoma and O Inle. A Sangoma is a Zulu healer and witch doctor. They are oftentimes a symbol of spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical healing. In the song Sangoma, they sing "Oh, We'll be like Sangoma, We'll be like Sangoma, Somos milagrosas, Curandoles el Alma", which really tells us that they want this album to be a ritual of healing. O Inle is a song to the Orisha Inle who is the deity of health and medicine, he is also the physician of the other deities. Those songs seem to reinforce the idea of the main theme of the album.

Made of Gold is probably one of our favorite tracks on the album. Pa Salieu was the perfect feature for this, his verse is essential to the song.  It's such an amazing song that talks about the things that we are capable of the magic that was passed down to us through our lineages. The song is also a way to help us understand that even if we are cut off from our magic there is a way to reconnect. That message is so important for many specifically Africans of the diaspora. There is a part of the song where they say, "Oh you with a spine, who would work your mouth against this magic of mine . It has been passed down through an unbroken line . The sky encloses the stars, I enclose magic, I enclose magic", is a spell from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The whole song is powerful, but those are the words from Spell 31 inside that book and the album is named after that spell. This whole album is a ritual and each song is a prayer.

Sister 2 Sister is probably the cutest song on this album. In the video, you can see how much they love each other, hell even when they perform it live they show that sisterly love. It's also a message to sisters everywhere about how to communicate and how no matter how much they hurt each other they're sisters always. We love the message, love the video, and the choreo is everything. We just stan them and the relationship they've built.  Lavender and Red Roses is a song about unsustainable relationships that people pour themselves all into and eventually have to let go of for the sake of their health. The song features Jorja Smith and her vocals fit this song so well, it worked so well sonically and the video is a work of art. Both of these songs get an A+++ for vocals, subject matter, and visuals.

Creature (Perfect) is a song about not having to be perfect. Lisa-Kainde said she wrote this one for herself because she had to keep reminding herself that she doesn't need to be perfect she just needs to be herself. I really love that message because it can be a universal type of message for anyone who strives to be a perfectionist. Tears are our medicine, I think, is a great song to cry to and also a song that I personally need to hear because I tend to not like to show any type of emotion. That's not a great way to be at all and sometimes it's good to let it all out.

There is not enough that can be said about Rise Above. This song is most definitely a rallying cry for those who are pushed to the margins of society. Those who have been oppressed and cast aside. It is a cover, but Ibeyi's version is melodic and their harmonies are so complementary Black Flag might as well go on and give them the song. Berwyn's verse on this is sick, he did what needed to be done.

We love the track Foreign Country because it tells the role of twins in the Yoruba Ifa spiritual practice. I love the teachings and Patakis about Ibeyi. They are highly revered by practitioners for many reasons and I love how they tell the Patakis in interviews, they're very passionate, and rightfully so. The fact that they acknowledged their Muertos to close this album in the Yoruba tradition is the moment. We're here for them being very openly acknowledging the ones they've lost.

Overall the album is solid, it shows so much growth and this sounds like it's more of a collaborative songwriting endeavor. We love that all of these songs are so unapologetic, energetic, and just a bit more fearless. Also, Naomi's vocals are so crispy on this, it's so nice to see that she is singing more than on their previous albums. Ibeyi is a duo that has constantly evolved and we have enjoyed their evolution. We are thoroughly looking forward to what they do next.  

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