Saturday, June 19, 2021

Books By Trans and Non-binary Authors

Since we're halfway through Pride Month and I'm still Getting asked for recommendations for books by trans and non-binary authors I've decided to suggest some. Some of these are ones I own, ones I have read then fallen in love with, ones that were released fairly recently and they are on my TBR lists as I type.

Cemetery Boys - Aiden Thomas


This story follows Yadriel in his quest to be accepted as a brujo by his family. After his cousin dies him and Maritza set out to find his portaje to send him to the afterlife so that he can come back for Dia de Muertos, instead he finds Julian, sets out to find answers and prove himself to his family. In the process Yads falls in love with Julian, but knows if he is dead he has to send him to the afterlife too. If you're into YA, love Latinx stories about brujx and love rom-coms this might be just for you.  By the end of the book you would have fallen in love with Yadriel/Julian and will be asking Aiden for a sequel.

Trigger Warnings:

Blood magic (referenced)

Character abuse (off-page)

Deadnaming of a trans character.

Death (parental)

Gender dysphoria.


Misgendering of a trans character.


Felix Ever After - Kacen Callender

Felix's story is a Trans coming of age story that is very deeply rooted in struggles that Trans people face daily. It also show how things can be if a Trans person's deepest fear comes true and having to live with the fact that someone could commit such an act of violence. In this story Felix learns that he is worthy of love and it can come from an unexpected place. I full on ugly cried by the end of this book and I fully endorse all ugly crying. One of the amazing things about this book is that it takes place during pride month and it makes the story that much better.

Trigger Warnings: 


Allusions to homophobia

Allusions to deadnaming

Assorted bullying


All Boys Aren't Blue - George M. Johnson

George M. Johnson wrote this beautiful Memoir Manifesto that is an ode to being a queer black boy. Their story is amazing from cover to cover. George writes a testament to how people in their family affirmed them from day one and guarded their agency all the way into their adulthood. Last year, George announced that they were non-binary and they would be going by they/them pronouns, which is also a testament to how as we are on life's journey, we learn things about ourselves and adapt to those discoveries.

Trigger Warnings:



Death (in family)



Physical assault



Sexual content

Sexual abuse




An Unkindness of Ghosts - Rivers Solomon

An Unkindness of Ghosts follows a woman named Aster who lives on an Antebellum ship in space that has been seemingly wandering for many years. While reading through her mother's notes she finds similarities between the death of the Sovereign and the death of her mother. In the process of reviewing all of the evidence Aster discovers that there may be a way off of the ship and she has to decide whether to lead a revolt against the ships caste system or continue to experience abuse at the hands of the new Sovereign. Rivers was so able to seamlessly blur gender roles in an environment where you otherwise wouldn't be able to do it. I love that there was an understanding of the characters implied gender identities without it being overstated. 

Trigger Warnings:

Child abuse (Sexual, implied)



Sexual assault (mentioned)


Suicide (mentioned)

The Death of Vivek Oji - Akwaeke Emezi

This book tells the story of Vivek in flashbacks that describe incidents and encounters up until his death. The story also covers the aftermath of his death and the toll it took on the family. In Vivek's mother's search for answers you discover what can happen if a female relative is reincarnated as male and the consequences of not carrying on the reincarnation name tradition. There are many themes and tropes explored in this book, especially as it it pertains to traditional Igbo spiritual practices. 

Trigger Warnings:




Incest (first cousins)






Sexual assault



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