Saturday, March 14, 2020

Some People Really Don't Get It

In the wake of a scary pandemic, there are people who are completely terrified and some people just don't get the reason it is a pandemic. I for one am self quarantined because quite frankly work for a freelancer is very scarce right now, staying in my apartment with my books and my coffee is a better way to wait it out than panicking about it. It's okay if you don't quite get the reason for the craziness, but please be mindful that everyone doesn't have an immune system of steel.

I have seen many different bizarre scenarios from people traveling knowing damn well they shouldn't to the President's physician writing a letter recommending he not get tested because of some dumb reason that isn't worth remembering. I have observed instances of panic and utmost stupidity that seems to running rampant these days right from the comfort of my own home, gotta love the internet. Either way we now know why New York now has the most cases of Coronavirus in the US.

Today in Prospect park there were large groups of people not social distancing. AOC has observed people crowding bars and restaurants not social distancing. People have refused to wash their hands, social distance and gather in crowds all in one go. I have one thing to say to you, you are a disrespectful, inconsiderate piece of shit. All of you fail to realize that Coronavirus is contagious, you could have it and not be showing symptoms unknowingly passing it on to others. I take this time to remind you that this virus is dangerous, people who are immunocompromised, and the elderly are high risk. So even if you are not in the high risk group, please keep in mind people around you are and for their sake if not quarantining please consider social distance. For those who have chosen to do so I commend you cause its hard I know. Those who haven't shame on you.

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